Corona Virus Update

16th SPETEMBER 2021

From Sunday 19th September 2021 we will resume weekly service in both Lairg and Rogart

Lairg Parish Church at 10.30am

St Callan’s, Rogart at 12.15pm

23rd AUGUST 2021

Services are being held in Lairg and St Callan’s, Rogart on alternate Sundays. 1st and 3rd Sundays in St Callan’s, 2nd and 4th Sundays in Lairg. Services in both venues start at 10.30am.

When there is a 5th Sunday in the month we will have a Zoom service and if you wish to link in please contact the Minister on

12th MARCH 2021

All being well we will be holding services again in St Callans, Rogart and in Lairg Parish Church from 28th March. Numbers able to attend will be restricted because of the required social distancing rules. Details of service times will be advised shortly.

8th JANUARY 2021

Once again we find ourselves in lockdown. Our churches have to remain closed. We can no longer open even for periods of private prayer.

However, our worship continues week by week in various forms.

A Zoom service is held each Sunday morning from 10.30am. Do contact the locum minister if you would like to receive the link.

A YouTube version of the weekly reflections and a pdf version can be accessed from the Home page.

We sincerely hope and pray that as the whole Covid-19 pandemic situation improves that we will be able to welcome back everyone who wishes to come into God’s house for prayer and worship. To enable us to do this we would welcome any offers of help from folk in the community who love, value and appreciate the place of the church in our village. If you are prepared to lend a hand to get the building ready to re-open please contact myself, Hilary Gardner, Locum Minister ( 01863 766107) or Linda Sones, Session Clerk ( 01549 402733).


We are holding our weekly prayer meeting on Thursdays at 2.30pm via Zoom

If you would like to join either of these Zoom events please send an email to our Locum Minister who will send you the joining instructions.

If you need any other support, practical or prayerful please contact

Hilary Gardner – Locum Minister     email:    Tel: 01863 766107